Founded in 1647... blogging 360 years later. The first public school district in America, Boston Public Schools proudly serves more than 56,000 pre-k through 12th graders in 125 schools.
BPS families and staff received a new issue of the quarterly district newsletter Family Matters at their homes this month. The latest edition features helpful information for families about the school choice process and about successful parent-teacher conferences. The publication is available on the BPS website in eight languages.
The William E. Carter School has won a national award for its innovative Sensory Garden and Outdoor Classroom. The American Horticultural Therapy Association recognized the garden with the Therapeutic Garden Design Award at its national conference recently in Lexington, Kentucky. Mayor Menino and BPS officials joined families and supporters of the school to dedicate the 16,450-square-foot garden in October 2007. (See earlier blog post.)
The garden was designed to create sensory appeal and learning motivation for students who are educationally challenged by severe cognitive and developmental disabilities. It features wheelchair-accessible pathways through tall grass, plants and flowers, leading to interactive installations, swings, and water features.
Mayor Thomas M. Menino today issued a community-wide challenge to ensure that more Boston Public Schools graduates go on to earn a college degree. In a news conference at Northeastern University, the Mayor joined officials from Boston Public Schools (BPS), area colleges and universities, businesses, college access non-profits and the funding community to announce new commitments to double the college graduation rate among graduates from Boston public high schools.
Officials also announced a new program at Northeastern University to offer Boston public high school graduates an academically rigorous first-year college experience, combined with assistance in strengthening academic, social, and employment skills. See coverage on New England Cable News:
Dr. Carol R. Johnson will appear as the special guest on tomorrow night's edition of "Basic Black" on PBS. Tune in to WGBH (Channel 2) at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday for the Superintendent's conversation with host Kim McLarin about the achievement gap, budget challenges, graduation for all, and other topics.
Students from the English High School "Civics in Action"/AP Government course held an Election Night party at City Year headquarters. Students made electoral predictions and watched the coverage on CNN.
To encourage students to come back to the libraries, the Boston Public Library has waived all fines and lost book charges for all youth and teen cardholders. Through the "New Start" program -- the largest amnesty program ever offered by the BPL -- more than 50,000 youth who currently have outstanding fines or lost items on their library accounts will have them automatically removed from their records.
Three more Boston public elementary schools recently dedicated new schoolyards, thanks to an innovative partnership between the City of Boston and the Boston Schoolyard Initiative. Students are enjoying new outdoor learning and play spaces at the Adams Elementary in East Boston, the Chittick Elementary in Mattapan, and the Perkins Elementary in South Boston. Watch coverage on WCVB of the Perkins schoolyard ribbon-cutting ceremony, and read about the Chittick in the Bulletin.