Here is a roundup of recent events and news from around the Boston Public Schools:
Thanks to a $13K generous donation from Old Mutual Asset Management Foundation,
Monument High School's Mu Alpha Theta (M.A.T.) mathematics honor society was able to take a field trip to Chicago, Illinois, recently. The trip to Chicago gave the students the chance to explore another city rich in history, culture, diversity, food, music, and architecture and also exposed students to the role of mathematics in architecture and engineering, as well as logistical planning (budget, itinerary, and fundraising).
Photo: Mu Alpha Theta Students.On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Boston AIDS Walk, AIDS Action is recognizing
25 community heroes. Boston Public Schools Student Support Coordinator
Phil Robinson is among them. Mr. Robinson has raised many thousands of dollars to end the AIDS epidemic by participating in each and every AIDS Walk Boston.
Fox 25 visited the
Trotter Elementary School in Dorchester recently for a story about Playworks, the national nonprofit organization that provides structured recess programming for schools.
Nora Tsoutsis, an English teacher at
John D. O’Bryant School of Math & Science in Roxbury, was recently named by the National Math and Science Initiative as one of 18 teachers to receive its first annual
All American Teacher of the Year Award. The awards, which recognize outstanding math, science, and English teachers for remarkable contributions to their students and to the teaching profession, are presented to teachers in each state participating in NMSI’s Advanced Placement Training and Incentive Program (APTIP).