From BPS Superintendent Carol R. Johnson:
We are beginning the second year of our Acceleration Agenda, a five-year plan for rapidly improving every classroom in the Boston Public Schools. The Acceleration Agenda calls on us to develop personalized academic plans for every student; it pushes us to do a better job evaluating teachers and helping them strengthen their skills; and it demands we rapidly turn around schools that are not making the grade.
To help us achieve these ambitious goals, we are implementing a plan called “Redesign and Reinvest.” This will improve the options for students attending schools that are not performing as well as we would like. In conversations with families this summer, in an online survey, and in many other discussions over the past year, parents told us that academic quality should be the most important factor as we build great schools for our children.
We believe the best way to offer better academic options for all our families is to close programs that are not working well and use those resources to reinforce our stronger programs and create new ones. We cannot tolerate persistent under-achievement at any of our schools. We cannot offer schools to the families of Boston that we would not choose for our own children. This plan allows us to move students into schools and classrooms that get results.
If the School Committee approves our proposal, these changes would take place in the 2011-2012 school year. This month we will hold a series of public hearings and meetings to discuss these draft suggestions. We are asking the School Committee to vote on a final plan in early November.
We are committed to building a school district that works for all of our children and now we need your help to make this a reality. Doing nothing is not an option – but doing what’s right can require some very difficult choices. I believe that the steps outlined here will help BPS deliver on our promise to provide a great education for all of Boston's children. The “Redesign and Reinvest” changes will help ensure every BPS school is an inspiring place to learn. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and addressing your questions.
Please review the specifics of our plan at http://www.bostonpublicschools.org/redesign. We will update that page regularly with information on our public hearings, which we will hold throughout October to get your feedback on our proposal. Thank you for your interest, your understanding and your involvement in your child’s education!
Carol R. Johnson