Boston students of all ages are closer to becoming the college students of tomorrow, thanks to innovative programs held during the district's second annual College Month. Throughout the month of October, elementary, middle and high schools helped students prepare for higher education with fun and engaging activities about college access and opportunity, including guest speakers, college and career fairs, visits to area colleges and universities, and more. (Pictured here is the Class of 2007 from Another Course to College.)
We want to hear from students, teachers, parents and administrators: How did your school celebrate College Month? Post a comment here about the programs that are helping to put Boston Public Schools students on the path to college...
At the Philbrick School, we celebrated College Month with an interactive bulletin board, adult interviews, and alma mater day.
Outside my second grade classroom, I created 3-D bulletin board titled "Apply Yourself." I posted the logos and seals of teachers' alma maters, as well as local colleges and universities. In addition, I reached out to colleages and families, who sent in college sweatshirts, baseball caps, pennants, caps and gowns, bumperstickers, photos, and brochures. Our bulletin board got a lot of attention, especially from our upper grades students.
Next to the bulletin board, I hung the adult interviews my second graders completed. There were three questions: 1) What is college? 2) Who gets to go to college? 3) Should I go to college? Why or why not?
In celebration of alma mater day, I renamed my students' table teams after local colleges and universities. Now, instead of dismissing them by table number, I call out Northeastern, Emerson, MIT, Harvard, UMass, MIT, or Boston College. My students love their new table names.
College Month had definitely gotten the kids at the Philbrick talking about college!
ACC participated in "College Month" by going on a scavenger hunt called "Mission Possible." Our mission was to become a college student for the day and to convince others that we were students at the colleges we visited. We had to blend in with the surroundings and carry ourselves with the maturity of a college student. There were 6 groups of students and each group went to 2 very different schools in Boston, Newton, and Cambridge. On our scavenger hunt we visited the admissions office, main library, dorms and student center each campuses. We even had to interview a random college student! My group went to Lesley College and Tufts University. This trip helped me really understand the difference between smaller and larger colleges. I thought that Lesley College was big until we went to Tufts! When you just read about schools, it is really hard to picture the differences. Visiting the schools for the day made me realize that I think I would be happiest at a smaller school. - Keomi Rodriguez, ACC Junior
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