Educators, parents, students and corporate partners gathered at the Boston Hyatt Regency on October 28 for the LINC III: Pillars for Success conference. The event, coordinated by the Office of Instructional and Information Technology (OIIT), marked the launch of LINC III, a new three-year strategic technology plan for the BPS.
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The LINC III Pillars for Success Technology Conference this weekend was a HUGE Success! Highlights to include:
· OIIT partnered with the Center for Digital Government (CDG) to host this event. The conference celebrated the launch of the district's new LINC III Technology Plan, and provided an opportunity to share best practices and innovative uses of technology to support student achievement and to educate the BPS community on the district's plans for technology over the next three years.
· With the help of CDG, OIIT raised the money from sponsorships to put on the conference.
· With the weather on Saturday against them, educators still came out in droves to attend the conference - exceeding the registration numbers with nearly 500 teachers, principals, students in attendance.
· Helen Dájer welcomed the audience, showing the importance of technology in our schools and talking about the parent community connection & Technology Goes Home @ School.
· Omar Wasow, co-founder of blackplanet.com (like MySpace), was the keynote speaker and did a tremendous job talking to the community about trends in technology, from online social networking and communication to the range of technology tools and their uses.
· Breakout sessions exposed attendees to BPS initiatives and new technologies with workshops topics including BPS-TV, the future of the Internet, Interactive tools for student learning, Internet Safety, and Digital Storytelling.
Check out OIIT's blog: www.bostonpublic.blogspot.com.
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