A recent technology conference at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center brought more than conventioneers to the city; it also brought $100,000 worth of technology donations to the Horace Mann School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Thirteen copanies participating in the AIIM and ON DEMAND Conferences and Expos donated brand new software with training, printers and scanners, a digital camera and a laminator, among other equipment, to support teaching and learning at the Brighton school. Pictured here: (front row, left to right) students Marcy Paye, Kristine Fren, Leonardo Reyes; (middle row) students Gary Lee, Otuis Rompson, Jorge Pireugro, Katherine Fuscolda; (back row) Jim Rooney, Executive Director, Massachusetts Convention Center Authority; Jeremiah Ford, Principal, Horace Mann School; Bill Oates, Chief Information Officer, City of Boston; Michael G. Contompasis, Superintendent, Boston Public Schools; and Kerry Gumas, President and Chief Executive Officer, Questex Media Group, Inc.
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