Mayor Thomas M. Menino recently announced plans to advance wind power development in the City of Boston, including installation of wind turbines at Boston Public Schools sites and a small-scale wind turbine on the roof of Boston City Hall (artist's rendering shown here). The City and school district will embark on an extensive community process to select the best sites to advance these wind power projects, beginning with a preliminary list of six schools well situated for wind power generation. Officials hope the turbines also will serve as valuable learning tools, with teachers able to incorporate them into the curriculum to bring science lessons about energy and the environment to life.
Hello I'd like information about where to submit a proposal for the wind turbine applications. Our turbine is uniquely suited for the urban environment, and generates significantly more power than standard propeller turbines. Can you tell me where the information about the RFP is? Thanks, Mike
Mike, thanks for your inquiry. Please contact Rob Roy, BPS Director of Facilities Management, 617-635-9129.
- Chris
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