Students, staff and families in the Boston Public Schools helped bring holiday cheer to needy families this year by raising $18,042 for Globe Santa. The Boston Globe commended BPS children and adults for their annual support of the charity fund-raising drive: "The students, faculty, and staff of the Boston public schools have been one of Globe Santa's most dependable donors and have contributed the single largest gift in a season more than once in his 51-year history." Pictured here, Santa Claus accepts a check from BPS Superintendent Carol R. Johnson. Click on "comments" below to tell us how your school raised money to support families in need this holiday season.
The Superintendent's Office just bought 2 fish for the office. We had a "Name the Fish" contest, which we raised $86.00 for Globe Santa. Thanks to all who entered.
Haley School Teachers Ann Patrick, Grade 5, and Mary Clark, Computer Specialist, collected unwanted toys, books, and holiday items in good condition from families of the students and staff.
During the last two weeks of December, Grade 5 Teachers and students conducted a holiday store where the Haley students could shop during their lunch periods. Most items were priced under $2.00. We raised over $300.00! I found a few good buys for my own family.
My school passed out Globe Santa packets to each student and we all filled the packets with money for the less fortunate.
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